Understanding Core.Command and Cmdliner


Command-line parse libraries e.g. Core.Command and Cmdliner are notoriously difficult to understand and use. The tension may come from people require a quick solution, while both these libraries target to be full-feathered tools with abstractions and concepts. This post aims to provide an understanding guide for them. Their official tutorials are at RWO/Command-Line Parsing and cmdliner/tutorial. I hope you can be much clear to jump back to them after reading this guide.

Four Concepts

Both libraires provide four levels of concepts:

Argument ParserStep 3no'a Arg_type.t'a Arg.conv = 'a parser * 'a printer
Argument HandlerStep 3yes'a Param.t'a Term.t
Command ItemStep 2yesunit Command.t'a Cmd.t
DriverStep 1noCommand.runCmd.eval, Cmd.eval_value
Table 1 - Concepts for Core.Command and Cmdliner

Argument Parser provides functions to parse a raw string to the expected type 'a. They both provide parsers inside Core/Command/Spec and Cmdliner/Predefined_converters for common types. Cmdliner.Arg.conv is a pair of a parser with a printer.

Argument Handler wraps a parser with extra properties to handle command-line argument e.g. whether it's required or optional, whether it's repeated, with a flag or not, the doc string for it. Argument Handler may not need Parsing in examples that a flag argument carries no values. The existence or not means a boolean parameter e.g. -v (rather than -log=WARNING).

In both libraries, Argument Handlers are not directed used by Drivers. Argument Handlers are packed into a Command Item, and then drivers take Command Item and perform the real parsing work. A Command Item for a whole sub-command e.g. push ... in git push .... You may have other sub-commands like git clone, git pull, and you need to group these Command Items into a compound Command Item.

In Table 1, The Column Stage lists the time order during a real command-line parsing.

  • Step 1: Driver are usually the unique top function of your program. It takes the Sys.argv and invodes your Command Item.
  • Step 2: Driver dispatches to the Command Item.
  • Step 3: Argument Handler performs the parsing and handling, with the Argument Parser in it if having one.

Driver functions

Core.Command can only build up to a Command.t. It doesn't provide any driver functions. The driver function Core.Command.run is defined in another library core_unix.command_unix. It takes the Core.Command.t and start the work.

Cmdliner has a variant of driver functions e.g. Cmd.eval and Cmd.eval_value. Since they're supposed to be the unique top functions, Cmd.eval returns a unit while Cmd.eval returns a int (standard error code) that is used by exit.

It's a common myth that people seek to get the unboxed parsed result. Such a function is not even provided in Core.Command. It's do-able with Cmdliner.Cmd.eval_value : ... -> ?argv:string array -> 'a Cmd.t -> ('a Cmd.eval_ok, Cmd.eval_error) result. However, you need to tokenize to get argv yourself (Imparient readers can jump to Section Elimination).

Diagrams for Core.Command and Cmdliner

Both Core.Command and Cmdliner have two-layered compositional datatypes. An element in the inner layer is to parse one key-value pair (or key-only or value-only). For example, we're going to parse -v -a=1 -b=t 42.

The inner layer for Core.Command is a compositional Param.t. We will have four Param.t that are

  • bool Param.t for -v
  • int Param.t for -a=1 in which a int Arg_type to parse 1
  • string Param.t for -b=t in which a string Arg_type to parse t
  • int Param.t for 42 in which a int Arg_type to parse 42

The inner layer for Cmdliner is a compositional Term.t. We will have four Term.t that are

  • bool Term.t for -v
  • int Term.t for -a=1 in which a int Arg.conv to parse 1
  • string Term.t for -b=t in which a string Arg.conv to parse t
  • int Term.t for 42 in which a int Arg.conv to parse 42

The inner layer data are wrapped into outer layer data Core.Command.t or Cmdliner.Cmd.t via packing function Core.Command.basic or Cmdliner.Cmd.v. A outer layer data is usually used for argparsing one command-line case. It is also composable and is used to group sub-commands. Core.Command.group takes (string * Core.Command.t) list and returns a Core.Command.t. Cmdlinder.Cmd.group takes Cmdliner.Cmd.t list and returns a Cmdliner.Cmd.t.

Their diagrams are very alike in the respective of our four concepts. A rectangle corresponds to a type. An edge is a function that transforms datatype. A rounded rectangle is also a function but at an endpoint (It's rare. Only two driver functions and one Arg.flag). Four compositional datatypes Param.t Command.t Term.t Cmd.t should be in stacked rectangles (but here I just use a rectangle with double edges). I omit the doc-related components to make it clear.

title: Figure 1.1 - Diagram for Core.Command
graph LR
  subgraph at [Argument Parser]

  subgraph sp [Argument Handler]
    subgraph fa [Flag & Anons]
      CF2[no_arg : Flag.t]

    AT --> |"Anons.(%:)"| CA1
    AT --> |Param.required| CF1

    P0[[Param.t]] --> |"Param.map"| P0

    CA1--> |Param.anon| P0
    CF1 --> |Param.flag| P0
    CF2 --> |Param.flag| P0
  subgraph sg [Command Item]
    C0[[Command.t]] --> | Command.group | C0

  P0 --> |Command.basic| C0

  subgraph sd [Driver]
    direction LR
    C0 -.-> Cr
title: Figure 1.2 - Diagram for Cmdliner
graph LR
  subgraph ap [Argument Parser]

  AC --> |Arg.pos| AT1
  AC --> |Arg.opt| AT2

  subgraph sa [Argument Handler]
    subgraph at [Arg.t]
      AT3(Arg.flag ~> Arg.t)

    AT1 --> |Arg.value| P0
    AT2 --> |Arg.value| P0
    AT3 --> |Arg.value| P0

    P0[[Term.t]] --> |"Term.($)"| P0

  P0 --> |Cmd.v| C0

  subgraph sg [Command Item]
    direction LR
    C0[[Cmd.v]] --> |Cmd.group| C0

  subgraph sd [Driver]
    direction LR
    C0 .-> Cr
    C0 .-> Cv

How Param.t and Term.t are made

A Core.Command.t consists of the flagged parameters and anonymous (flag-less) parameters. A Cmdlinder.t is consists of optional arguments and positional arguments. They are Argument Handlers. Note Argument Handlers use Argument Parsers.

In Core.Command, A primitive 'a Param.t can made up from ingridients

  1. 'a Arg_type.t parses string to 'a
  2. 'a Flag.t can wrap 'a Arg_type.t as required, optional, or optional_with_default
  3. 'bool Flag.t requires no 'a Arg_type.t. Therefore its existence denotes a true or false
  4. 'a Anons.t which wraps 'a Arg_type.t
  5. Param.flag makes 'a Flag.t a 'a Param.t
  6. Param.anon makes 'a Anons.t a 'a Param.t

In Cmdlinder, the ingridients to make up a primitive 'a Term.t are:

  1. 'a Arg.conv defines both a parser and a printer for 'a
  2. Arg.opt wraps 'a Arg.conv an optional flagged argument 'a Arg.t.
  3. Arg.pos wraps 'a Arg.conv and makes a positional argument at certain index 'a Arg.t
  4. Arg.flag makes a pure flag optional argument bool Arg.t
  5. Arg.value makes 'a Arg.t a 'a Term.t

The listing and the diagram are not complete, but they are sufficient to illuminate.

Pack Argument Handler to Command Item

Driver functions takes a Command Item packed from a Argument Handler. Param.t and Term.t can compose just like parser combinator or prettyprinter. They should be Applicative (or also Contravariant ?)

Pack Command.Param.t to Command.t

The pack function for Command is Command.basic.

# #require "core";;
# open Core;;
# Command.Param.map;;
- : 'a Command.Spec.param -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b Command.Spec.param = <fun>

# #show Command.basic;;
val basic : unit Command.basic_command

# #show Command.basic_command;;
type nonrec 'result basic_command =
    summary:string ->
    ?readme:(unit -> string) ->
    (unit -> 'result) Command.Spec.param -> Command.t

Type Command.Spec.param is an alias for Command.Param.t. We can see the types for first argument and the return type of Command.Param.map, and the second-to-last argument of Command.basic_command, are all Command.Param.t. 'result is set to be unit in Command.basic.

The task left for users is to provide a function that maps parsed result 'a Param.t to (unit -> unit) Param.t.

The following two lines are equal. It's a partially applied Param.map from string Param.t to an unknown ~f : string -> '_weak:

# Command.Param.(%:);;
- : string -> 'a Command/2.Arg_type.t -> 'a Command.Spec.anons = <fun>

# Command.Param.string;;
- : string Command/2.Arg_type.t = <abstr>

# Command.Param.(map (anon ("filename" %: string)));;
- : f:(string -> '_weak1) -> '_weak1 Command.Spec.param = <fun>

# Command.(let s : string Param.Arg_type.t = Param.string in let a = Param.(%:) "filename" s in Param.map (Param.anon a));;
- : f:(string -> '_weak2) -> '_weak2 Command.Spec.param = <fun>

In the following example of Command.basic, our function (fun file () -> ignore file) satisfied the type requirement. The observation here is Command.basic requires an argument of type (unit -> unit) Command.Spec.param. The user comsume-all-parsed code is usually like Param.map a_b_c_param ~f:(fun a b c () -> ...; () ) : (unit -> unit) Command.Spec.param. The parsed result is passed before the last argument ().

# Command.basic ~summary:"fairy file" Command.Param.(map (anon ("filename" %: string)) ~f:(fun file () -> ignore file));;
- : Command.t = <abstr>

To make it familiar to RWO readers, we use let%map_open instead of Param.map. The code is equivalent to the above one:

# #require "ppx_jane";;

# let%map_open.Command file = (anon ("filename" %: string)) in file;;
- : string Command.Spec.param = <abstr>

# Command.basic ~summary:"fairy file" (let%map_open.Command file = (anon ("filename" %: string)) in fun () -> ignore file);;
- : Command.t = <abstr>

Pack Cmdliner.Term.t to Cmdliner.Cmd.t

Cmdliner uses pure (Term.const : 'a -> 'a t) and ap (Term.($) : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t) to compose Term.t. Unlike Command.basic, the user comsume-all-parsed code is usually like Term.(const (fun a b c -> ...; () )) $ a_param $ b_param $ c_param : unit Term.t. Term.v packs this value to get a Cmd.t, then this Cmd.t can be used in the driver function Cmd.eval.

# #require "cmdliner";;
# open Cmdliner;;

# Arg.(&);;
- : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b = <fun>

# Arg.value;;
- : 'a Cmdliner.Arg.t -> 'a Term.t = <fun>

# Arg.string;;
- : string Arg.converter = (<fun>, <fun>)

# let file = Arg.(value & pos 0 string "default_name" (Arg.info []));;
val file : string Term.t = <abstr>

# Cmd.v (Cmd.info "fairy file") Term.((const (fun filename -> ignore filename)) $ file );;
- : unit Cmd.t = <abstr>

The difference between their approaches is Command puts the comsume-all-parsed function at last while Cmdliner puts it at first. They both use functional jargons e.g. let%map_open, Anon.(%:), Arg.(&) and Term.($). They help to compact the code, at the cost of confusing newcomers.

Syntax for Command-line Languages

It's not explicitly specified, but their design and APIs suggest (or check) possible syntax for the command-line languages. e.g. for the flag-less parts, Command treats them as anonymous arguments and allow the a sequence of them. The run-time validity of Param.t is less powerful than its static type. In this example, Anonymous int after a list of anonymous string causes an exception for its syntax.

# let my_param = 
    (let%map_open.Command str_lst = anon (sequence ("str" %: string)) 
    and extra_int = anon ("int" %: int) in 
    fun () -> ());;
val my_param : (unit -> unit) Command.Spec.param = <abstr>

# Command.basic ~summary:"my_param" my_param ;;
 "the grammar [STR ...] INT for anonymous arguments is not supported because there is the possibility for arguments (INT) following a variable number of arguments ([STR ...]).  Supporting such grammars would complicate the implementation significantly.".
Raised at Stdlib.failwith in file "stdlib.ml", line 29, characters 17-33
Called from Base__List0.fold in file "src/list0.ml", line 37, characters 27-37
Called from Command.Anons.Grammar.concat in file "command/src/command.ml", line 1000, characters 10-729
Called from Command.basic in file "command/src/command.ml", line 2373, characters 14-22
Called from Topeval.load_lambda in file "toplevel/byte/topeval.ml", line 89, characters 4-14

Cmdliner treats flag-less parts as positional arguments. The manual warns it's the user's duty to ensure the unique use of a position. Arg provides functions to either preciously points to one position index, or to range all, or to cover the left/right to a given position index. Duplication of position index will trigger run-time exception.

# let top_t =
  let ai = Arg.info [] in
  let str_lst : string list Term.t = Arg.(value & pos_all string [] ai) in
  let extra_int : int Term.t = Arg.(value & pos 1 int 0 ai) in
  let handle_all : (string list -> int -> unit) Term.t =
    Term.const @@ fun _str_list _extra_int -> ()
  Term.(handle_all $ str_lst $ extra_int);;
val top_t : unit Term.t = <abstr>

# let c =
  let i = Cmd.info "" in
  Cmd.v i top_t ;;
val c : unit Cmd.t = <abstr>

# Cmd.eval_value ~argv:[| "a"; "2" |] c;;
- : (unit Cmd.eval_ok, Cmd.eval_error) result = Stdlib.Ok (`Ok ())

# Cmd.eval_value ~argv:[| "a"; "b" |] c;;
: invalid value 'b', expected an integer
Usage:  [OPTION]… [ARG]…
Try ' --help' for more information.
- : (unit Cmd.eval_ok, Cmd.eval_error) result = Stdlib.Error `Parse

Summary and Questions

To recap, after skipping documenting, escaping, error code, auto-completing, two of the most popular command-line libraries Core.Command and Cmdliner can be grasped via four concepts i.e. Argument Parser, Argument Handler, Command Item, and Driver. The diagram not only shows their internal relation, but also reveal the similarity between them. I don't have time to re-comment all their documents and tutorials from my viewpoint, but you're well equipped to go back for them ((for Command and for Cmdliner)) after this post.

Explicit syntax for for command-line languages and static safety typed parsing arise very interesting problems to me. I will delve into it in future posts.


For command-line parsing, OCaml has build-in Sys.argv and standard library Arg module (tutorial).

⚠️ We can let Core.Command return the parsed result with a mutable reference, even its pack function and driver function requires a unit return value. When a functional program is not a functional program?

# let store = ref "" in 
  Command.basic ~summary:"fairy file" Command.Param.(map (anon ("filename" %: string)) ~f:(fun file () -> store := file; ()));;
- : Command.t = <abstr>